@tauri-store/valtio - v2.2.0
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    @tauri-store/valtio - v2.2.0


    Persistent Valtio stores for Tauri and React.

    • Save your stores to disk.
    • Synchronize across multiple windows.
    • Debounce or throttle store updates.
    • Access the stores from both JavaScript and Rust.

    Check the documentation for more information on how to install and use the plugin.

    Currently, the following plugins are available:

    Name Version Works with
    tauri-store npm Everything
    @tauri-store/pinia npm Vue, Nuxt
    @tauri-store/svelte npm Svelte
    @tauri-store/valtio npm React
    @tauri-store/zustand npm React

    The plugins require Tauri 2.0 or later.